
Born in Leicester, ZOLATEC is an experienced steel drummer, and established underground/independent artist.

ZOLATEC taught herself how to use Ableton Live during the covid lockdown period in 2020. Inspired by music ranging from Metal to Dub, she uses software to fuse these influences into her own dark and melodic compositions.

With the use of midi controllers and live pan improvisation, her set is performed differently each time. In May 2023, she performed her original music at SOUP, Manchester.

“My music effectively addresses the shortfall of authentic steel drums in music. The Island instrument was only standardised in the 1930’s, so it’s relatively new and rare to some. Many producers choose to use a pitched up/down sample of the drum, creating an instant loss in the dynamics and beauty of the sound.”

 Name Meaning: Solar Technical (Solar Tech, Styled ZOLATEC) - Power from The Sun.
